FB Web Tips

Building Windows Store Applications With jQuery 2.0

By Jonathan Sampson and Ralph Whitbeck With the release of Windows 8, Microsoft introduced Windows Store applications, which can be authored using traditional web languages that leverage the underlying engines powering Internet Explorer 10. This means that jQuery 2.0, engineered to work best in modern browsers, is right at home in a Windows Store application! […]

FB Web Tips

Guard is Your Best Friend

By Jeffrey Way A common argument against using preprocessors, like Sass, is that they introduce too much complexity, and are difficult to get started with. Especially today, though, this couldn’t be further from the truth. In this episode, I’ll demonstrate my file monitoring tool of choice, Guard. I’ll think you’ll love it!   Screencast Download […]

FB Web Tips

Prototyping with Meteor

By Tom Coleman Meteor is far more than a quick prototyping tool, but it sure is great for prototyping. In this tutorial, we’ll walk through the process of turning a simple HTML wireframe into a functional application in a surprisingly simple number of steps.   We’ll be creating a simple wireframe of a chatroom application. […]

FB Web Tips

Intro to Flask: Adding a Contact Page

By Lalith Polepeddi In the previous article in this mini-series, we leveraged Flask to build a simple website that contains “Home” and “About” pages using a generalized workflow that we can apply to other Flask-based web apps. In this lesson, I’ll demonstrate how to add a “Contact” page that allow users to send you messages. […]

FB Web Tips

Developing with Sass and Chrome Developer Tools

By Umar Hansa In this tutorial, we’ll review the process of better integrating Sass debugging into our workflow with Chrome Developer Tools.   Introduction – Sass Sass stands for Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets; think of it as an extension to vanilla CSS that provides such features as: Variables – For example, define a color upfront, and […]

FB Web Tips

Make Backbone Better with Extensions

By Joe Zimmerman Backbone is becoming wildly popular as a web application development framework. Along with this popularity has come countless extensions and plugins to enhance the power of Backbone and fill in holes that other felt needed filling. Let’s take a look at some of the best.   Backbone.Marionette Developed by Derick Bailey, this […]