
Understanding and Working with Data in WordPress

By Rachel McCollin A WordPress website consists of three main elements: The WordPress installation itself The contents of the wp-content directory which includes the themes, plugins and uploads The database, where all the content is stored. Most WordPress users never come into direct contact with the database and may not even be aware that it’s […]


An Introduction to Swift: Part 2

By Michael Musallam In the first article of this introductory series on Swift, we talked about Swift’s philosophy, took a first look at its syntax, and highlighted a few key differences with Objective-C. In this article, we continue our exploration of Swift’s syntax. You’ll also learn about optionals and see how memory management works in […]


Core Data from Scratch: NSFetchedResultsController

By Bart Jacobs In the previous installments of this series, we covered the fundamentals of the Core Data framework. It’s time we put our knowledge to use by building a simple application powered by Core Data. In this tutorial, we’ll also meet another star player of the Core Data framework, the NSFetchedResultsController class. The application […]


Writing Node.js Addons

By Maciej Sopyło Node.js is great for writing your back-end in JavaScript. But what if you need some functionality that is not provided out of the box, or which also can’t be accomplished even using modules, but is available in the form of a C/C++ library? Well, awesomely enough, you can write an addon that […]


Writing Maintainable WordPress Themes: Naming Conventions

By Tom McFarlin In the first post in this series, we reviewed some of the strategies that are available as it relates to organizing our WordPress theme directories in order to make them more maintainable. Specifically, we touched on how to organize: JavaScript and CSS files Templates and Temple Parts Translations Helper Files and Utility […]