
Sharing Polymer Components: Part 2

By Rey Bango In part one of this series, I went over how to configure the great new boilerplate, untitled-element, that the Polymer team created to make creating and sharing Polymer components substantially easier. In the following tutorial, I’ll dig deeper into what untitled-element includes, like its auto-generating documentation feature and how to setup your […]


Google Chrome Hegemony

By Krasimir Tsonev Google Chrome is one of the biggest players in the Web today. It’s fast, reliable, packed full of features, and is extremely helpful, especially if you are a web developer. Chrome also allows the installation of third party extensions. We build these extensions with pure HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The team at […]


Working With Databases in Symfony 2

By Andrew Perkins Today we’ll continue working with Symfony 2 where I’ll show you how to get started working with databases. I’ll be covering setup and config, generating the database, generating your getter/setter methods and table schema, and how to persist data from a form, into a database. Conclusion So that’s it, Hopefully you’ve found […]


Resources to Get You Up to Speed in Node.js

By Rey Bango For a long time, JavaScript developers hoped for a server-side solution that would allow them to fully and easily leverage their favorite programming language on the backend. Through the years, a number of options have been made available like Aptana Jaxer, APE and Narwahl. But, they never really generated the type of […]


Single Page ToDo Application With Backbone.js

By Krasimir Tsonev Backbone.js is a JavaScript framework for building flexible web applications. It comes with Models, Collections, Views, Events, Router and a few other great features. In this article we will develop a simple ToDo application which supports adding, editing, and removing tasks. We should also be able to mark a task as done […]


Form Validation in Symfony 2

By Andrew Perkins Today we’re going to continue where we left off last time, where we learned how to build reusable forms in Symfony 2. In this video, we’ll learn how to validate the data that has been submitted to our form to ensure it is in the correct format, meets our data’s requirements and […]


JavaScript Tools of the Trade: CodePen.io

By Rey Bango When I wrote about JSBin awhile back, it definitely stirred up a lot of conversation and debate about which online code snippet editor was the best. A couple of alternatives were thrown out, especially CodePen. With so many readers feeling so passionate and committed to their specific choices, I wanted to do […]


Setting Up Firebase for Your Next Project

By Daniel Wheeler In today’s tutorial we will get you up and running with Firebase by building a simple chat room application by leveraging Firebase’s Javascript API. This application will provide you with the building blocks to develop more advanced real-time applications on your own projects. Getting Started In order to get Firebase up and […]